Thursday, 8 December 2016

CPU Geography.

How a CPU is made. And where it comes from.

CPU's, for a start, are one of the main components in your Computer / Laptop / Phone etc. Without these little chips, the world wouldn't be what it is today. Even washing machines need them. So, in essence, as we are, we couldn't cope with a world without and CPU's.

The two main producers of CPU's for desktop and laptop, are Intel and AMD. Then you have a company called ARM, which produce processors for phones and such. These companies have very different selling points. AMD were the first to make APU's, and Intel the first to make Hyper-Threading possible. Intel would be regarded and usually more expensive, and AMD the cheaper of the two.

Intel ran a campaign informing people on how their CPU's are made and how they get their materials. In a video that they released, they showed that some materials, such as silicone, is mined unfairly in Africa. With warlords making people work for small, if any pay. The only people who profit off of this, are the warlords. Intel set up this campaign to try and stop it.

Anyways, the CPU is made from mainly silicone. The silicone it melted and then a seed / catalyst, is placed into the still molten liquid. This allows the silicone to form a ingot, of typically 6" diameter, around the seed. To be used properly, the ingot must be spotless. So they clean it. The wafers are then cut from the ingot, 1mm-2mm wide. Then they are checked for any surface defects. The wafer is then etched in a long process, using some harmful materials.  The same is done to make the transistor, but on a more accurate level. The wafers are then cut into individual chips and placed into the CPU in your computer.

This is how your CPU is made, and tune in next time for;
                        The Geography of a Motherboard.

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